They will deny that they were shooting into the townsfolk Пʼяна вишенька (Doctor). The eyes will give them away.

The innocents had an advantage - the Sheriff guessed right Дедпул (Don)!.

Our doctor's talent saved Пʼяна вишенька (Doctor) today.

Although he (she) doesn't know it himself (herself) but Шейх (Switchman) may not worry – Lola came at Night.

The Maniac is obsessed with Mafia and this Night he satisfied his passion with the help Кучерява Сью (Mafia).

The Plug took away words and voice from Кучерява Сью (Mafia).

Божа кульбабка (Werewolf), Люк Скайуокер (Maniac), Пʼяна вишенька (Doctor), Сексішутер (Lola), you need to nourish and cherish the Bomb!. Took the highly explosive path: . It seems that our doctor has been working several night shifts in a row and he doesn't see whom to treat – Пʼяна вишенька (Doctor) was mended.

If the Bomb is killed, she will take with her. "Without an appointment - only to the pathologist", - this is the motto of our Doctor, who didn't save - Пʼяна вишенька (Doctor).

Кіса (Mafia) +2. judge (Mafia) +2. Дедпул (Don) +2. Пяна Білка (Mafia) +2. Кучерява Сью (Mafia) +2. Мадам (Mafia) +2. Пророк (Sheriff) +3. Пʼяна вишенька (Doctor) +3. Люк Скайуокер (Maniac) +3. Шарліз Терон (Gag) +3. Шарліз Терон (Gag) 0. Божа кульбабка (Werewolf) 0. Люк Скайуокер (Maniac) 0. серсея ланістер (Bomb) 0. Мадам (Mafia) 0. Кіса (Mafia) 0. Шейх (Switchman) 0. judge (Mafia) 0. Пʼяна вишенька (Doctor) 0. Пророк (Sheriff) 0. Секс—інструктор (Civilian) 0. Сексішутер (Lola) 0. Пяна Білка (Mafia) 0. Snake eyes (Civilian) 0. Дедпул (Don) 0.