They will deny that they were shooting into the townsfolk Горгонова тиша (Doctor). The eyes will give them away.

Our police commissioner didn't give credence to the townsfolk and missed into Шейх (Maniac).

The Doctor was an excellent student in the Medical Academy – the townsfolk Горгонова тиша (Doctor) was saved.

The moderator won't name him (her), but Lola visited Мадам (Civilian).

Our Maniac spattered his shirt with the blood of a civilian Мадам (Civilian).

It's better to be silent than to grumble! The Plug visited Ласка (Lola).

If the Bomb is killed, she will take Люк Скайуокер (Mafia), Мадам (Civilian), Сексішутер (Gag), Ласка (Lola) with her. , you need to nourish and cherish the Bomb!. "Without an appointment - only to the pathologist", - this is the motto of our Doctor, who didn't save - Горгонова тиша (Doctor).

– now their lives depend on the Bomb. For someone - the doctor, for someone - the executioner! Our Doctor didn't guess and healed Горгонова тиша (Doctor).

серсея ланістер (Mafia) +2. Люк Скайуокер (Mafia) +2. Хуліган (Mafia) +2. Секс-інструктор (Mafia) +2. Дедпул (Mafia) +2. Бабник (Don) +2. Little cobra (Sheriff) 0. Горгонова тиша (Doctor) +3. Шейх (Maniac) 0. Сексішутер (Gag) 0. Горгонова тиша (Doctor) 0. Божа кульбабка (Civilian) 0. Люк Скайуокер (Mafia) 0. серсея ланістер (Mafia) 0. Кіса (Switchman) 0. Шейх (Maniac) 0. Штірліц (Bomb) 0. Little cobra (Sheriff) 0. Сексішутер (Gag) 0. Пяна Білка (Civilian) 0. Секс-інструктор (Mafia) 0. Трамп (Werewolf) 0. Бабник (Don) 0. Ласка (Lola) 0. Хуліган (Mafia) 0. Дедпул (Mafia) 0.