The innocents have completely killed the Mafia clan. The townsfolk weren't tricked by their theories and ideas, and got the victory! Managed in 32 minutes. Details will be in the next review
Клан Мафии
Инферно (Don)
Viagra (Mafia)
Black jack (Mafia)
Мирный город
Шальная Императрица (Civilian)
Pablo Pikaso (Switchman)
Bro (Doctor)
BRONI (Civilian)
Йди броди (Sheriff)
Лолита (Lola)
Опівнічний вершник (Gag)
body bag (Maniac)
День 1
Bets are made on two horses: Шальная Императрица (Civilian), Лолита (Lola). Лолита (Lola) made a packer in the fire-fight and died with it. Without delay, the Mafia , jumped into action and Лолита (Lola) was put to the vote. Bro получил фол. BRONI (Civilian) 0. Viagra (Mafia) +2. Лолита (Lola) +2. Pablo Pikaso (Switchman) 0. Йди броди (Sheriff) +2. Bro (Doctor) 0. Шальная Императрица (Civilian) 0. Инферно (Don) +2. body bag (Maniac) 0. Black jack (Mafia) +2. Шальная Императрица (Civilian) 0. Инферно (Don) +2. body bag (Maniac) 0. Шальная Императрица (Civilian) 0. Pablo Pikaso (Switchman) 0. Bro (Doctor) 0. Viagra (Mafia) 0. BRONI (Civilian) 0. Йди броди (Sheriff) 0. Инферно (Don) 0. Опівнічний вершник (Gag) 0. body bag (Maniac) 0. Black jack (Mafia) 0.
Ночь 2
Mafia chaos laid Шальная Императрица (Civilian) in the grave. The Sheriff failed and checked body bag (Maniac). He runs with the wolves and they didn't let him down – the Maniac hit Инферно (Don). Zip your lip, BRONI (Civilian). The Bomb is not a toy for children! Naughty children are assigned: . "Without an appointment - only to the pathologist", - this is the motto of our Doctor, who didn't save - Bro (Doctor). The Bomb decided that it will go away together with: . The Doctor didn't cure anyone and there are dead bodies at the table. Bro (Doctor) received the pills. Инферно (Don) +2. Black jack (Mafia) +2. Viagra (Mafia) +2. Йди броди (Sheriff) 0. Bro (Doctor) 0. body bag (Maniac) +3. Опівнічний вершник (Gag) 0. Pablo Pikaso (Switchman) 0. Bro (Doctor) 0. Viagra (Mafia) 0. BRONI (Civilian) 0. Йди броди (Sheriff) 0. Опівнічний вершник (Gag) 0. body bag (Maniac) 0. Black jack (Mafia) 0.
День 2
"One black sheep will spoil the flock", - the townsfolk considered and pitched Viagra (Mafia) out to the wood. Йди броди (Sheriff) +2. Опівнічний вершник (Gag) 0. Bro (Doctor) +2. body bag (Maniac) +2. Black jack (Mafia) +2. Viagra (Mafia) +2. Pablo Pikaso (Switchman) +2. Pablo Pikaso (Switchman) +2. Bro (Doctor) +2. Йди броди (Sheriff) +2. body bag (Maniac) +2. Pablo Pikaso (Switchman) 0. Bro (Doctor) 0. BRONI (Civilian) 0. Йди броди (Sheriff) 0. Опівнічний вершник (Gag) 0. body bag (Maniac) 0. Black jack (Mafia) 0.
Ночь 3
A hit was put out on Йди броди (Sheriff) in the criminal world. The performer has already set out. The Sheriff scores points – he checked Black jack (Mafia). The surgery was successful – the patient Йди броди (Sheriff) will live! He (she) was saved by the Doctor. The mass slaughter of the townsfolk! The Maniac killed a decent citizen Bro (Doctor). You are a chatterbox and a troublemaker, Bro (Doctor). At least the Plug thinks so. Mines are fixed under the chairs of . We have an inattentive doctor – he was saving Йди броди (Sheriff) from death, but the body with another nickname was found!. The list of the mined players: . "Sick wake up - it's time to take sleeping pills!", - that is how we work.. The Doctor healed in vain - Йди броди (Sheriff). Black jack (Mafia) +2. Йди броди (Sheriff) +3. Bro (Doctor) +3. body bag (Maniac) 0. Опівнічний вершник (Gag) 0. Pablo Pikaso (Switchman) 0. BRONI (Civilian) 0. Йди броди (Sheriff) 0. Опівнічний вершник (Gag) 0. body bag (Maniac) 0. Black jack (Mafia) 0.
День 3
"Lies in the grave because of the lies!", - that's what we will write on the gravestone. Killed Black jack (Mafia). Опівнічний вершник (Gag) 0. body bag (Maniac) +2. Black jack (Mafia) +5. BRONI (Civilian) +2. Pablo Pikaso (Switchman) +2. Йди броди (Sheriff) +2. Pablo Pikaso (Switchman) +2. BRONI (Civilian) +2. Йди броди (Sheriff) +2. body bag (Maniac) +2. Шальная Императрица (Civilian) +5. Pablo Pikaso (Switchman) +5. Bro (Doctor) +5. BRONI (Civilian) +8. Йди броди (Sheriff) +5. Лолита (Lola) +5. Опівнічний вершник (Gag) +5. body bag (Maniac) +5. Pablo Pikaso (Switchman) 0. BRONI (Civilian) 0. Йди броди (Sheriff) 0. Опівнічний вершник (Gag) 0. body bag (Maniac) 0. Шальная Императрица (Civilian) +5. Pablo Pikaso (Switchman) +5. Bro (Doctor) +5. BRONI (Civilian) +8. Йди броди (Sheriff) +5. Лолита (Lola) +5. Опівнічний вершник (Gag) +5. body bag (Maniac) +5.