The innocents have completely killed the Mafia clan. The townsfolk weren't tricked by their theories and ideas, and got the victory! Managed in 22 minutes. Details will be in the next review
Клан Мафии
Blackjack (Don)
Pablo Pikaso (Mafia)
оракл (Mafia)
Радуга (Mafia)
Мирный город
Bro (Maniac)
Bully (Doctor)
суддя (Civilian)
Йди броди (Sheriff)
Опівнічний вершник (Switchman)
body bag (Lola)
Джокер (Gag)
День 1
Two dogs over one bone seldom agree - Bully (Doctor), Йди броди (Sheriff) at the fire-fight. Hence, Bully (Doctor) sleeps in the ground!. The innocents got scammed by the Mafia and killed one of their fellows – Bully (Doctor). суддя (Civilian) 0. Йди броди (Sheriff) 0. body bag (Lola) 0. Pablo Pikaso (Mafia) +4. оракл (Mafia) +5. Bro (Maniac) 0. Опівнічний вершник (Switchman) 0. Радуга (Mafia) +5. Bully (Doctor) 0. Pablo Pikaso (Mafia) +4. Bro (Maniac) 0. суддя (Civilian) 0. Опівнічний вершник (Switchman) 0. Pablo Pikaso (Mafia) 0. Blackjack (Don) 0. Bro (Maniac) 0. суддя (Civilian) 0. Йди броди (Sheriff) 0. Опівнічний вершник (Switchman) 0. body bag (Lola) 0. оракл (Mafia) 0. Джокер (Gag) 0. Радуга (Mafia) 0.
Ночь 2
Mafia chaos laid Йди броди (Sheriff) in the grave. The Sheriff's try-out worked well – he guessed right Радуга (Mafia). It can be only in a fairy tale: thousand and one nights, it is much more expensive in real life! Йди броди (Sheriff), you owe Lola several thousand!. This Night our serial killer was on the townsfolk's side and killed оракл (Mafia). "Words are wind and your words, суддя (Civilian), - draught!", - thought the Plug. Henceforth are not to be trifled with the Bomb. The epicenter of the explosion will be: . оракл (Mafia) +2. Pablo Pikaso (Mafia) +2. Blackjack (Don) +2. Радуга (Mafia) +2. Йди броди (Sheriff) +3. Bro (Maniac) +3. Джокер (Gag) 0. Pablo Pikaso (Mafia) 0. Blackjack (Don) 0. Bro (Maniac) 0. суддя (Civilian) 0. Опівнічний вершник (Switchman) 0. body bag (Lola) 0. Джокер (Gag) 0. Радуга (Mafia) 0.
День 2
The townsfolk choose the lesser of two evils: Blackjack (Don), body bag (Lola) in the shooting. Blackjack (Don) was considered the bigger evil. Shoots the breeze and fools people! But won't do it again! Blackjack (Don) has died. Bro (Maniac) +2. Опівнічний вершник (Switchman) +2. Радуга (Mafia) +2. Джокер (Gag) +2. body bag (Lola) +2. Pablo Pikaso (Mafia) +2. Blackjack (Don) +2. Bro (Maniac) +2. body bag (Lola) +2. Джокер (Gag) +2. Pablo Pikaso (Mafia) 0. Bro (Maniac) 0. суддя (Civilian) 0. Опівнічний вершник (Switchman) 0. body bag (Lola) 0. Джокер (Gag) 0. Радуга (Mafia) 0.
Ночь 3
The Mafia run like a well-oiled machine! суддя (Civilian) was banged off. Bro (Maniac) had a roll in the hay. Who is cooler: the Mafia VS the Maniac? This Night fight was lost by Радуга (Mafia). Censorship from the Plug to body bag (Lola). The Bomb is not a toy for children! Naughty children are assigned: . Радуга (Mafia) +2. Pablo Pikaso (Mafia) +2. Bro (Maniac) +3. Джокер (Gag) 0. Pablo Pikaso (Mafia) 0. Bro (Maniac) 0. Опівнічний вершник (Switchman) 0. body bag (Lola) 0. Джокер (Gag) 0.
День 3
Lucky you, Bro (Maniac)! And the most "popular", in the town, and Lola visited the last night! There are no victims on the vote!. Bro (Maniac) +2. Опівнічний вершник (Switchman) 0. Джокер (Gag) +2. Pablo Pikaso (Mafia) +4. body bag (Lola) +3. Pablo Pikaso (Mafia) 0. Bro (Maniac) 0. Опівнічний вершник (Switchman) 0. body bag (Lola) 0. Джокер (Gag) 0.
Ночь 4
The Mafia meeting decided to kill Bro (Maniac). Shy by Day and slutty at Night – Lola visited Bro (Maniac)!. Well done, the Maniac! Pablo Pikaso (Mafia) was shot!. The Plug considers Pablo Pikaso (Mafia) too talkative. The Bomb put its charges on: . Bro получил фол. Pablo Pikaso (Mafia) +2. Bro (Maniac) +3. Джокер (Gag) +3. Опівнічний вершник (Switchman) 0. body bag (Lola) 0. Джокер (Gag) 0.
День 4
Bro (Maniac) +5. Bully (Doctor) +5. суддя (Civilian) +5. Йди броди (Sheriff) +5. Опівнічний вершник (Switchman) +5. body bag (Lola) +5. Джокер (Gag) +5. Опівнічний вершник (Switchman) 0. body bag (Lola) 0. Джокер (Gag) 0. Bro (Maniac) +5. Bully (Doctor) +5. суддя (Civilian) +5. Йди броди (Sheriff) +5. Опівнічний вершник (Switchman) +5. body bag (Lola) +5. Джокер (Gag) +5.