The innocents gained their victory, although there are losses from their side! A forced sacrifice allowed all the rest to kill the mafiosi! The fight lasted 1 hour 10 minutes. Details of the game are in the report below..
Клан Мафии
президент (Don)
CLAIDE (Mafia)
Not zaya (Mafia)
Pushkin (Mafia)
Мирный город
Belka (Doctor)
Сумасшедший Танцор (Maniac)
inferno (Lola)
Djoker (Civilian)
super women (Civilian)
heart seller (Gag)
panamera (Switchman)
Red dog (Civilian)
диско гром (Werewolf)
День 1
He will be buried together with other honest townsfolk! Rest in peace, Djoker (Civilian). Red dog (Civilian) 0. DARK METTER (Sheriff) +2. super women (Civilian) 0. Belka (Doctor) +2. диско гром (Werewolf) +2. Pushkin (Mafia) +2. президент (Don) +2. Djoker (Civilian) 0. inferno (Lola) 0. Not zaya (Mafia) +2. panamera (Switchman) 0. Сумасшедший Танцор (Maniac) 0. Сумасшедший Танцор (Maniac) 0. inferno (Lola) 0. panamera (Switchman) 0. Red dog (Civilian) 0. Belka (Doctor) 0. Сумасшедший Танцор (Maniac) 0. inferno (Lola) 0. super women (Civilian) 0. heart seller (Gag) 0. CLAIDE (Mafia) 0. президент (Don) 0. panamera (Switchman) 0. Not zaya (Mafia) 0. Red dog (Civilian) 0. DARK METTER (Sheriff) 0. диско гром (Werewolf) 0. Pushkin (Mafia) 0.
Ночь 2
God created people and Mr.Colt made them equal! At Night the Mafia laid flat the player Сумасшедший Танцор (Maniac). диско гром (Werewolf) can seek compensation in moral damages after the inspection – the police were wrong!. It seems that Red dog (Civilian) was the most eager and Lola visited him (her). The Maniac increased his rating – minus CLAIDE (Mafia). "Words are wind and your words, диско гром (Werewolf), - draught!", - thought the Plug. Henceforth are not to be trifled with the Bomb. We have an inattentive doctor – he was saving Belka (Doctor) from death, but the body with another nickname was found!. The Bomb has planned a firework from . Pushkin (Mafia) +2. президент (Don) +2. CLAIDE (Mafia) +2. Not zaya (Mafia) +2. DARK METTER (Sheriff) 0. Belka (Doctor) 0. Сумасшедший Танцор (Maniac) +3. heart seller (Gag) 0. Belka (Doctor) 0. inferno (Lola) 0. super women (Civilian) 0. heart seller (Gag) 0. президент (Don) 0. panamera (Switchman) 0. Not zaya (Mafia) 0. Red dog (Civilian) 0. DARK METTER (Sheriff) 0. диско гром (Werewolf) 0. Pushkin (Mafia) 0.
День 2
Once people were walking through the forest and saw an elephant who fell into a hole. They failed to take the elephant out but they fill the hole up so that other elephants won't fall into it. The trunk was twirled to the player Belka (Doctor). Red dog (Civilian) 0. panamera (Switchman) 0. Not zaya (Mafia) +4. inferno (Lola) 0. президент (Don) +2. Pushkin (Mafia) +4. heart seller (Gag) 0. Belka (Doctor) 0. super women (Civilian) 0. DARK METTER (Sheriff) 0. heart seller (Gag) 0. panamera (Switchman) 0. Not zaya (Mafia) +4. Red dog (Civilian) 0. Pushkin (Mafia) +4. inferno (Lola) 0. super women (Civilian) 0. heart seller (Gag) 0. президент (Don) 0. panamera (Switchman) 0. Not zaya (Mafia) 0. Red dog (Civilian) 0. DARK METTER (Sheriff) 0. диско гром (Werewolf) 0. Pushkin (Mafia) 0.
Ночь 3
The Mafia decided that it's time to leave the table for the player super women (Civilian)!. Our young detective decided to visit panamera (Switchman) and made a mistake. If the townsfolk decide to kill Pushkin (Mafia), that's not going to happen – Lola came at Night. Gag in mouth to Not zaya (Mafia). Quick like a bunny! The Bomb stuck to this rule when was mining: . Mines are fixed under the chairs of . Pushkin (Mafia) +2. президент (Don) +2. Not zaya (Mafia) +2. DARK METTER (Sheriff) 0. heart seller (Gag) +3. inferno (Lola) 0. heart seller (Gag) 0. президент (Don) 0. panamera (Switchman) 0. Not zaya (Mafia) 0. Red dog (Civilian) 0. DARK METTER (Sheriff) 0. диско гром (Werewolf) 0. Pushkin (Mafia) 0.
День 3
The townsfolk were winded around the little finger and диско гром (Werewolf) was lost. heart seller (Gag) +2. диско гром (Werewolf) 0. DARK METTER (Sheriff) +2. Red dog (Civilian) 0. panamera (Switchman) +2. inferno (Lola) 0. президент (Don) +2. Pushkin (Mafia) +5. inferno (Lola) 0. президент (Don) +2. Red dog (Civilian) 0. inferno (Lola) 0. heart seller (Gag) 0. президент (Don) 0. panamera (Switchman) 0. Not zaya (Mafia) 0. Red dog (Civilian) 0. DARK METTER (Sheriff) 0. Pushkin (Mafia) 0.
Ночь 4
Soon another body from the Mafia will be found – Red dog (Civilian). Right in the wheelhouse – the Sheriff guessed right Not zaya (Mafia). Easy virtue results in drastic consequences. Lola gave alibi to президент (Don). Communication with the town is prohibited for Pushkin (Mafia). Sappers' children eat farina porridge without touching lumps: . , you need to nourish and cherish the Bomb!. Pushkin (Mafia) +2. президент (Don) +2. Not zaya (Mafia) +2. DARK METTER (Sheriff) +3. heart seller (Gag) +3. inferno (Lola) 0. heart seller (Gag) 0. президент (Don) 0. panamera (Switchman) 0. Not zaya (Mafia) 0. DARK METTER (Sheriff) 0. Pushkin (Mafia) 0.
День 4
Maybe you will become a good person in another life! But there is no place for you in our town! Goodbye, Not zaya (Mafia). президент (Don) 0. inferno (Lola) 0. Not zaya (Mafia) +2. panamera (Switchman) +2. DARK METTER (Sheriff) +2. heart seller (Gag) +2. heart seller (Gag) +2. президент (Don) 0. panamera (Switchman) +2. DARK METTER (Sheriff) +2. inferno (Lola) 0. heart seller (Gag) 0. президент (Don) 0. panamera (Switchman) 0. DARK METTER (Sheriff) 0. Pushkin (Mafia) 0.
Ночь 5
The Mafia run like a well-oiled machine! heart seller (Gag) was banged off. Corrado Cattani is no match for our Sheriff, he guessed right президент (Don). "Oh, I want to invest money in something great so much... Shall I call Lola?", - panamera (Switchman) thought. His thoughts became materialized!. "президент (Don) is too loud and talks too much!", - the Plug considered. If the Bomb is killed, she will take with her. Took the highly explosive path: . Pushkin (Mafia) +2. президент (Don) +2. DARK METTER (Sheriff) +3. heart seller (Gag) +3. inferno (Lola) 0. президент (Don) 0. panamera (Switchman) 0. DARK METTER (Sheriff) 0. Pushkin (Mafia) 0.
День 5
Those townsfolk who voted get pluses to their rating for the killed gangster Pushkin (Mafia)!. panamera (Switchman) +2. inferno (Lola) +2. Pushkin (Mafia) +5. DARK METTER (Sheriff) +2. inferno (Lola) +2. panamera (Switchman) +2. inferno (Lola) 0. президент (Don) 0. panamera (Switchman) 0. DARK METTER (Sheriff) 0.
Ночь 6
A hit was put out on inferno (Lola) in the criminal world. The performer has already set out. The Sheriff will have to write a detailed report to the command – he finished президент (Don) off. Lola gave herself up to panamera (Switchman). The Bomb put its charges on: . президент (Don) +2. DARK METTER (Sheriff) +6. panamera (Switchman) 0. DARK METTER (Sheriff) 0.
День 6
Belka (Doctor) +5. Сумасшедший Танцор (Maniac) +5. inferno (Lola) +5. Djoker (Civilian) +5. super women (Civilian) +5. heart seller (Gag) +5. panamera (Switchman) +5. Red dog (Civilian) +5. DARK METTER (Sheriff) +5. диско гром (Werewolf) +5. panamera (Switchman) 0. DARK METTER (Sheriff) 0. Belka (Doctor) +5. Сумасшедший Танцор (Maniac) +5. inferno (Lola) +5. Djoker (Civilian) +5. super women (Civilian) +5. heart seller (Gag) +5. panamera (Switchman) +5. Red dog (Civilian) +5. DARK METTER (Sheriff) +5. диско гром (Werewolf) +5.